Our Vision

We believe we will become the most respected company in the refrigeration industry by consistently delivering the highest quality and eco-friendly products with exceptional service. Our priority is to continue improving our products and services to fulfill our customers’ needs better. We understand that providing the industry’s top-notch products and services add immense value to our customers’ business and success. We also believe the inside should match the outside, with superior functionality and aesthetic design to complement any setting.
We understand Earth’s limited and precious natural resources. With respect and responsibility to the environment, we have created all our products to use clean energy without sacrificing efficiency. Together, we share the same dream with our like-minded customers and strive to make it come true.

We invest in the most advance technology.

We proudly present our products for better sustainability solutions.

Our products are verified in sanitation, safety, and energy-saving sustainability.

World Headquarters (Long Beach, CA)
Commercial Refrigerator Manufacturing Subsidiary
Global Sales

(Long Beach, CA)
Commercial Refrigeration System Manufacturing Subsidiary
Sales in North America

(Long Beach, CA)
Commercial Cooking Equipment
Sales in North America

(Dallas, TX)
Supermarket Refrigeration Equipment Manufacturing Subsidiary
Sales in North America

(Long Beach, CA)
Commercial Butcher Equipment Manufacturing Subsidiary
Sales in North America

(Gwangju, Korea)
Commercial Refrigerator Manufacturing Subsidiary
Sales in S. Korea, S. East-Asia and Middle East

(Qingdao, China)
Commercial Refrigerator Manufacturing Subsidiary
Sales in China, Central-Asia and Europe

(Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam)
Commercial Refrigerator Manufacturing Subsidiary
Sales in S. East Asia

(Dubai, UAE)
Sales in Middle East

(London, England)
Sales in Europe

(Qingdao, China)
Display Case & Ice Maker Manufacturing Subsidiary

(Sydney, Australia)
Sales in Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane

(Suwon, S. Korea)
Commercial Freezer Manufacturing Subsidiary